Tuesday, November 27, 2012

30 Days of Thanks...fail.

Well, that didn't last long.  I fell into another small rut the past 2 weeks... stress and hormones and the like.  Not conducive to self motivation.  For several days, I was just drained in every way possible. Work, both day job and business venture, and baby daddy issues, and LLM's birthday planning....way to make a truly mad madmommy out of me.

LLM spent Thanksgiving with his dad down south visiting his other grandparents.  Part of me was distraught about that and it was contributing to my stress.  But it was good for me, as I got to relax and focus on some of my own things for a few days.  Go out, spend time with friends...etc.  Making MadMommy just a little less 'mad'.  So, although I didn't get to spend his first Turkey day with him, I'm thankful that I was able to get a reboot this past weekend.  I was so happy when he came home on Sunday...but now he's sick. AGAIN.  My poor little punk'in.  Mommy needs to take more vitamins for you. (Yep, still breastfeeding! and yes, totally ready for that part to be done...just one more month mommy, just one more month and you've hit that goal) And perhaps be more diligent in giving you your vitamins as well.  

Did I ever mention how careful LLM is?  He's very curious, but he's also very cautious.  I'm fairly certain he's able to start walking on his own now, albeit the baby wobble version, however he does not like to be unstable.  Able to stand on his own, squat down and pick things up....he's a pro at maneuvering around in his walker, and I can barely keep up when he wants to bolt holding my hands.  But he won't do it himself.  He looks for something to hold on to before going.  Even while holding my hands, its only a light touch, as if he just wants assurance that I'll be there if he falls.  I'm happy to do it, but my back says otherwise.  I've seen him take one step unassisted (from the toilet to the bathtub...all of 8" clearance).  He starts to go, but when he realizes there's nothing holding himself up other than himself, he stops, slowly lowers himself to the ground and crawls.  I suppose he'll get there in his own time.  I'm in no hurry...as soon as he's walking that's a whole new set of mischief he's bound to get into.  

My sweet, sweet boy is now learning the concept of sharing.  This makes me extremely thankful for having MJ as a nanny.  Having exposure to all those kids, being in that environment is beneficial to his social skills.  He's spoiled rotten at home. But, I'm trying to teach him to share.  I let him "feed" me dinner last night.  He sat on the table grabbing my fork and putting it in my mouth...and, occasionally bringing the fork to his mouth too!  He also has been sharing his food with me as well...  Giving me a bite of his bread before taking his own bite and then giving me more.  It's slobbery but I'll put up with it for the sake of teaching him.  Perhaps soon he'll try to feed himself with his spoon...maybe when its just me and him though so grandma and great grandma won't keep interrupting trying to clean him off.  He's gonna get messy...wait til he's done!

On the other side of things, he's also learning how to test the boundaries.  Little Punk.  He definitely understands when I tell him not to do something.  But sometimes...he does it just to see.  And he knows...oh, he knows.  Example, he knows that he can play with the lotion bottle but not put it in his mouth.  I have to keep reminding him of course, but he knows.  And when I do remind him, he turns it into a game.  

MM: "Clay don't put that in your mouth please"
LLM: (takes bottle out of mouth, and smiles)
MM: "Thank you baby"
LLM: (smiles bigger, opens mouth and moves to put bottle back in mouth)
MM: "Clay..."
LLM: (stops..stares...laughs...)

...ok, so how do I not smile and laugh when he does?  It's the cutest laugh ever!  So, that's his game now. Silly boy. SMH

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