Wednesday, November 7, 2012

30 Days of Thanks, Day 7

Day 7, Today I'm thankful for:

My job. I'm lucky to have a job. When these trying times have forced many, good, hard working people out of theirs.  I can't fully empathise with those who are having a hard time in this economy, few of my peers are in those positions.  My co-workers are complaining about the recent re-election of President Obama into a 2nd term. While politically speaking I'm a tad more right-winged, I cannot blame the masses for putting their faith into the man who is pledging to help everyone to attain their rights.  I didn't vote, to be honest. For one, I don't know where I was suppose to go to vote.  But more, I have no preference for either of the fools.

So, I'm just grateful that these days, I'm gainfully employed.  Keeping my sanity in tact with the ability to be a career woman, business woman, and the madmommy.  It's a full plate, I admit... but I'm going to fight to keep it that way.

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