Tuesday, November 6, 2012

30 Days of Thanks, Day 6

Day 6, Today I'm thankful for:

My Mary Kay pink bubble.  You'd never think I was the type of person to sell anything, let alone skin care and makeup.  Life smacked me in the face recently and I needed something to get me out there again.  At first picking up the business was focused on getting a few extra bucks here and there to add to the future life I want to have for me and LLM.  I was half in for most of the summer, then one day something just kind of clicked in for me. Something about the girls I'd met through the meetings woke something in me that had been dormant for a while.  A purpose.  Not just for me, but for LLM too.  It's a revival, motivation, an awakening... and every week no matter how shitty my day/week has been... I come back alive and ready to take it on.  If only for just that moment.  But those are the moments to hang on to.  Those are the moments that will add up to something greater.  And boy, I'm holding on...

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