I've mentioned before how easy going everything has been the last couple months with le little man. Honestly part of me is just waiting for the other shoe to drop, as the cliche goes. In my mind, I'm thinking either he's going to get really hurt or really sick...and I'm going to freak the eff out. Or maybe I won't? I guess it depends on what goes wrong. I almost died when the hubs fell down the stairs holding le little man. Talk about an adrenaline rush! Luckily, LLM was just scared and not injured...however I still cursed the stairs for being slippery. The hubs was damaged since he took the spill and I did check on him after I picked up the babe.
The Claymiester got really fussy last night and wouldn't let me put him down. He felt warm so I took off his clothes and we had a bit of nakie baby time.
naked chubs |
Poor little man. He still wasn't comfortable so I decided to take his temp. And I had about a 3 millisecond heart attack when I read 100.1°F! Quickly grabbing my phone and googling baby fevers, I noted that a temp of 100.4°F for infants less than 3 months is cause for alarm. Then, ever so oddly calm, I called the pediatricians office and spoke to the nurse. Just to make sure. She was so nice and told me to just watch his temperature and wait. So wait I did. Every movement, sound, sneeze, cough....I kept track of mentally, hoping to God he wasn't sick. Thankfully, by bedtime his temperature went back to normal and he ate well and slept well all night. So, we're back to our cute, loveable self. But I'm going to watch him with a burning intensity for the next few days.
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