Family has always been a big part of my life, an important part of my life. And that's something I always wanted to extend to my children. I'm blessed to have gotten to grow up with my cousins, whom are more like my brothers and sisters and some of my closest friends. So, seeing as I don't plan on having another one anytime soon, I want LLM to grow up knowing his cousins as playmates.
LLM with Mama Tuty |
I'm also blessed that for most of my short life, my grandparents have been around. It's been 5 years now since the passing of both my grandfathers, but my grandmothers are both still around. My paternal grandmother, who we call Ama, lives with my parents, and since I bring LLM there almost every weekday morning, she gets to interact with him all the time. But my maternal grandmother lives with my aunt. Although they live so close, I don't visit as often as I used to. Even though I work about 10 min from their house and drive by every day, I don't stop by. So my grandma, who we call Mama, doesn't get to see LLM as much. She's expressed this to my mom who will lightly chastise me for keeping him all to myself and not sharing with my aunt and my grandma. :-P Yesterday we had the opportunity to go visit.
With Uncle Matthew and cousins |
LLM is Ama's first great-grandson (sort of...long story, won't get into it). But, Mama has 4 children, who gave her 11 grandchildren, who gave her 10 great-grandchildren and 1 step great granddaughter...and still counting. I won't count further into the extended family because it gets more confusing and let's just say I once tried to count my mom's
first cousins and stopped when i got to 40. Anyway, I digress...
We went to visit Mama yesterday and my cousin is there with his kids every day, so they got to see each other. I didn't see my cousin, he was sleeping because he works nights. But I got to see my nieces. My 3 year old god daughter, J.Rae, was infatuated with the baby. She kept kissing him and smiling in his face...and I mean IN his face. He didn't know what to do haha. Baby sister, Maddie, is 8 months old and I wish I got a picture of it but little man is almost the same size as her. (we stood them up next to each other) Maddie must have thought LLM was a toy because she kept trying to grab him and pull him out of the arms of whoever was holding him next to her. It was sort of cute if I wasn't worried she'd start smacking him in a fit because she wasn't allowed to grab.
Pogi with Uncle Matthew and Cousin Jocy |
I'm well aware I have the white boy baby in a family of Asians. And looking at these pictures, boy, has he gotten chunky. <3
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