Monday, December 3, 2012

#weverb12, reflect and renew

In the spirit of today's prompt,

I'm going to take a moment to talk about this blog encouraging 31 days of reflection and hope for this past year and next, respectively.  It's completely voluntary, responding to the prompts given Dec 1 - 31.  I actually started this on the 1st and hopefully I won't have a fail moment like with my 30 Days of Thanks attempt.

I've been doing these on my instagram feed (@mstsa) which I do keep private, but I'll try to post my reflections here as well.  So, to catch up:

1. compose [CREATE]: Write a haiku for 2012 (bonus: write one for 2013)

2. watch [LIVE]: What movie did you see this year that you would recommend to a friend?

3. stay [LISTEN]: How did you stay in the moment this year?

I have lived in the moment the majority of this year. Life is full of moments, big and small, but we oft forget to appreciate the small ones; the daily moments that make us unique individuals. We have happy moments, sad moments, painful moments, learning moments... taking the time to be aware of all of them and maybe more importantly...allowing them to happen. Having LLM has really helped me to appreciate all the little things. Every smile, every kiss, every word. Life is a wonderful thing and I've attempted this year not to squander the gifts we are given every day.

As the saying goes:
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow's a Mystery, Today is a Gift, that's why it's called the Present.

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