Wednesday, June 27, 2012

On the go...

...ok, not really.  But he wants to!  Often he gets bored in one spot and decides he wants to be picked up and moved somewhere else.  Luckily, he's easily distracted.  LLM is quite independent and very social.  I've re-evaluated my stand on those child leash things and have determined that if I indeed need one, I no longer morally have a problem getting one.  If only to make sure I don't lose him in a crowd when we're on vacation. LOL...

This kid likes to eat. But only on his own time and on his own terms.  And if you're eating, by golly he needs to participate too. 

He demands to be at the dinner table when we're eating dinner.  He's not happy sitting off to the side in his jumparoo, even if he's right next to me. Sometimes I make him wait anyway, but apparently I can't stop my grandma or my mom from picking him up and catering to his whine.  Spoiled, I tell you.  So we put his bumbo seat on the chair next to me and he gets Baby MumMums.  I think he finds it fascinating to watch me eat.  Lately I've taken to emphasizing my chewing motions so he can watch and he'll copy the movements.  He'll put the MumMum in his mouth and 'bite' with his 2 lower baby teeth.  You don't normally think about how hard it is to bite into things until you watch a baby with no teeth try to chew.'s kind of funny.  I can't tell if he just doesn't like the flavor of the cracker, or if he's trying to figure out how to chew though.  I mean he eats the thing so I assume the flavor is ok, right? I tasted it, it is bland but it's not bad.  The look on his face, though...priceless.
joining madmommy at the dinner table
He's picky about what he eats and when.  I gave him more oatmeal cereal and he didn't want it.  He'll eat his crackers no problem, but anything runny, forget it. Although, there was once that I handed him the spoon with a bit of oatmeal on it just to see what he'd do and he went ahead and put it in his mouth himself.  ...sooooo you don't want me to feed you, you want to feed yourself?!  This is gonna get messy.

LLM is starting to figure out how to move around.  Wait little man wait! I'm not ready!!!  He will do any combination of wiggling and rolling until he gets to where he wants to go.  If he's blocked by something or becomes trapped in some other way, he starts whining. 
literally just went to pee in the next room and came back to him see-saw wiggling off the mattress pad.
He's so curious, which I love.  These are some exciting times.  I really am grateful that he is in my life.  There's no other explanation other than it was by His will that I have this beautiful baby boy.  With my current state of mind, he exists so I can. 

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