Thursday, July 5, 2012

6 months!

Ok, I'm pretty late with this one...even I'm ashamed that I haven't posted LLM's 6 monthiversary. This morning he just had his 6 month check up. 15 lbs, 26.25".  The doctor thinks that the last length measurement was a fluke.  I think so too.  Cuz there's no way little man shrunk in the past 2 months.  But, regardless.  He's doing so well.  Perfectly...average.  But so smart, so curious, and so, so sweet.  I really do believe he's here to give me a reason to be here.  His smile and his personality alone are well worth everything I could ever dream of having.

6 months workin the superman curl
Today, he got his 3rd round of DTAP/Rotavirus and I swear this time, it really did hurt me more than him.  I wanted to cry when he screamed out as he got stuck.  For a millisecond he froze until he realized what was going on and then proceeded to scream.  Poor baby.  I'm sorry!! The surge of emotion as I watched him was quite unexpected.  I'd felt bad before when he got his shots, but I think now because he's developed such a sweet disposition, I feel horrible making him go through that.  But, I say it really hurt me more than him because almost immediately after i scooped him up after the shots were administered he settled down from wailing to mild whimpering as he clung to my shirt for dear life.  Within a minute he was distracted enough by the pictures on the wall in the pediatricians office that he'd stopped crying.  

He's sitting up on his own with little help, grabbing things with his hands.  Not quite able to get the pinchers down yet.  Which is entertaining when I try to encourage him to pick up his own puffs.  Baby gets so frustrated because he knows what his puffs are and he wants to eat it, but I don't feed it to him at first.  I let him try to grab it and if he gets it I help guide his hand to his mouth.  It usually doesn't go in his mouth, and then he gets even more frustrated.  I told my sister how to give him the puffs, and he had got it to his mouth but it fell out onto my sister's hand and she looked up to tell me he almost had it when he did a nose dive into her palm and sucked up the puff cereal.  The little cheater looked so pleased with himself as he mummed away on was absolutely hilarious.  

tasting watermelon through the mesh feeder
He also looks for me now, when he hears my voice. My mom will be holding him and playing with him and when I'm in the next room talking to my mom, he'll look around.  He knows his name, and smiles at someone when they call him.  Even if he's cranky, most people can manage to get a little smile out of him.  

Oh, did I mention how much he wiggles and rocks to get himself somewhere? Well, he's mastered the slow scoot by pulling himself across the floor with his arms.  Next up, adding the legs. I wouldn't be surprised if he started crawling by the end of the month.  I mean he's already got the body rock down...

bodyrock. back and forth. 
This kind of scares me because when he does that, I sit there and think he's so going to smash his face into the ground.  I'm sure he will do that at some point, but I guess that's what he has to do to learn right? Fall down and try again.  It's ok, I'll be there to pick him up and kiss his boo boos in between. <3

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