Thursday, June 7, 2012

are those teeth? and madmommy's first weekend away

This is late but oh well.... On Friday, I realized that LLM's first teeth are pokin' through! I got so excited.  And yes, you read that correctly...teeth. As in not one, but 2!  Both of the bottom incisors have cut through the gums.  I've been trying to get pictures of his mouth but they're not grown in all they way yet so I can't get a good pic.  I was quite surprised, because he hadn't seemed any fussier than normal, or in a bad mood, or hurting or anything.  And according to everything I've ever read, and everyone's telling of their children's teething experiences, I was fully prepared for a few bouts of extra cranky as he cuts teeth.  I wonder, will this be the way all his teeth come in? If so, I'll take it!  I've been watching his top incisors to see if they're about to poke through, but honestly I can't tell.  I've been noticing however his gums being lighter, very white-ish.  I'm learning too!

I'm so glad to be blessed with such a happy kid. Little man continues to amaze me.  He's officially able to pass things between his hands, he loves to play with his feet, and he loves it when I play with and kiss his little feet and tiny toes.  Already he shows a preference for certain toys, and is starting to recognize when I'm about to 'leave'. He starts getting upset when I put him down and walk out of his sight.  He'll settle down on his own as he gets distracted but that initial second he doesn't see me, it's hard not to go back and pick him up.  When he's playing with his toys it's amusing to watch him really look at what's in his hands.  It's almost more amusing to watch him try to grab toys that are out of reach.  Or try to grab whatever I have in my hand be it one of his toys, or my phone, or something I'm eating or drinking...  Sometimes if it's something he can't get a good grip on it's funny to watch as he concentrates on it stretching his arms out, shaking.  It almost looks like he's frustrated that his hands and fingers aren't quite doing what he wants them to. 

This past weekend I was participating in the Avon 2-day Walk, and was not home for 2 nights.  Admittedly, I was very very nervous about leaving LLM with daddy for the entire weekend.  I'd not been away from him overnight at all and I've been the one primarily getting up in the middle of the night/super early in the morning with little man. So I wasn't quite sure how they'd fare.  I thought for sure something was going to go wrong.  That's just me.  Needless to say, they were just fine.  I think I was more the mess considering the minute I drove away I started crying, missing my baby.  That was weird for me.  I didn't think it was going to be that hard to be away from him.  At night, when things were calm, I found myself wandering around trying to find something to do because I wanted to keep myself from thinking about how much I missed the little guy.  It was a good weekend though, good to get out.

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