I spoke too soon when I said LLM was having a seemingly easy time with the whole teething thing. On Sunday for a few hours the poor guy was practically inconsolable. I finally broke down and let my mom go get baby orajel for him. It worked like a charm. He hasn't gotten to that kind of point again so I'm not going to use it unless he's really buggin and nothing else seems to work. From the looks of it, he may be getting his top teeth in pretty soon. Boy, he's growing up fast. One of my best friends recommended this mesh paci thing that worked amazingly for her son...
Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder |
Not that LLM is ready for food quite yet, but maybe an ice cube or something cold would help so he could mum on it.
He's been putting everything in his mouth that he can get his hands on. With all the drool, everything seems to be constantly...wet. I love it though. Knowing this is how he's learning what things are through their textures I have no problems with most things going in the mouth. Live animal parts (like dog ears) were only acceptable once however. Now you know, and don't do it again because that's gross, ok little one?
We're starting to explore cause and effect now. If I do this....this happens!! If I drop this, mommy picks it up! We've discovered that once we're done playing in the jumparoo/exersaucer and lift our arms toward MadMommy, Mama, or Ms Jill...we get picked up! He seems quite entertained by the fact that he knows this will happen now. And will sometimes trick one of us into it with fake crying. I've started to pick up on his fake tears but sometimes I'm just not sure. I'm only sure after the fact when he starts laughing because I've picked him up. Little punk.
pick me up! |
I think I've mentioned it earlier, but right now I can't tell dreams from reality and there are a few times when I really had to think about it. (side note: I need more sleep) But, LLM is now preferring to sleep on his stomach and hasn't really complained about being on his tummy now that he's able to push himself up and look around and then roll over if he wanted to.
He moved his toys around before he fell asleep..what a goof |
Little man is starting to be able to sit up on his own, which still seems really early to me...but this is my first time so how would I know? He's still wobbly so I wouldn't let him sit up unless someone's right there with a guiding hand. I've even seen him stand up while holding on to something... Literally was sitting on the floor folding laundry while he was sitting in my lap and he leaned forward, grabbed the laundry basket, and attempted to pull himself up. I helped him up and was holding him as he tried to grab clothes from the basket but for a second he was holding on to the edge of the basket, standing there while my hand was hovering under his arm. And all I'm thinking is...
I'm so going to have trouble keeping track of you when you're mobile aren't I?
Despite the lack of sleep and all the personal shit that I've been stressing over, I have nothing but crazy, mad love for this kid. And I'm totally a MOM now. Only mom's can put up with the constant needs of someone else while attending to other things...and doing them one handed. I wouldn't change it for the world. I do, however, miss watching my tv shows without having to pause/rewind etc.
<3 me some baby smiles and sparkly eyes |