Tuesday, December 10, 2013

San Francisco 2013

Mommy and Me trip 2013... San Francisco Edition

I've officially decided to try and take a Mommy and Me trip every year. Something small...for an extended weekend kind of thing.  It's great bonding time, though it can test your patience.  Maybe that's a good thing.

This year we went to San Francisco. One of my cousins was getting married and since he and I are very close, I was lucky enough to be invited to share in their special day!

trying to tie his shoes...trying..
Little Man and Mad Mommy left the cold, dreary midwest for sunny, warm(er) California on Thanksgiving Day.  Yep, you read that right!  Perfectly planned however...because a. it was the cheapest option and b. there were so few people flying that day that i literally walked from the car, through security, and to the gate in a record breaking 5 minutes. Ok, more like 10 minutes.  Still, there were no lines, no fuss, no pressure to perfectly juggle all the crap that a single parent traveling with a non-potty trained toddler needs to bring...  I mean seriously, I needed 5 arms, and I tried to condense everything as much as I could.

Little Man was amazing at the airport flying out...it helped that he had his trains.  I got him a little Thomas and Friends rolling backpack (or "bagbag" as he pronounces it) which he LOVES!  He wanted to walk with it most of the time...
Off we go!
 He was amazingly well behaved for a toddler on an airplane. I did buy his own seat even though he's young enough to still be a lap baby...which was great! He would have been much too squirmy in my lap cramped in such a small space...
ooh whats out the window?

i have my trains!
when the trains got boring...onto the ipad...

then back to the trains...choo choo

when that got boring...the leap pad!
I guess it helped that I had plenty to distract him with...ipad, leap pad, trains, food...he was a happy kid which made for a happy mommy.  It surprised me and subsequently made me a ball of mush when he decided on his own he'd like to hold my hand...I love his cuddles!

When we got into SF, I had rented a car - which was great.  I had control of where I would go and when... and the rental company provided the cars with navigation and I was able to get a car seat for him.  One less thing to drag on the airplane woo woo!

Poor kid was so tired considering he didn't nap on the plane, but he was a trooper.  We got to the hotel to check in and I still wasn't done...I wanted to go to my one cousins house to have Thanksgiving dinner.  He was sleepy but he perked right up when he saw all of his cousin's toys!!  Then didn't want to leave when I was tired at 10pm...which was 12a at home...so I knew he was tired too even if he was running around with his cousin.

We came back to the hotel which was a fabulous recommendation by one of my other cousins.  Such great staff and everything.  Got a good nights sleep and Friday morning went out for breakfast at IHOP. MMm...pancakes.
booster baby

leap pad action

he ate almost all of it!
After breakfast we went to my great aunt and uncles to visit. They were fairly amazed when he listened to me after I asked him to clean up the mess he made with the toys. (squeal! thanks little man for being so good)

playing outside in the sunshine
After that we met up with my cousin...and I use the term cousin fairly loosely here... it's like...2nd cousin twice removed... but thats how we roll.  One big happy family!
Enjoying the bubbles 
Last minute we were invited to the rehearsal dinner so we just followed them to the church to watch their rehearsal and then went off to dinner
theres a story behind this....
So, before we left for SF, my parents were semi freaking out about me losing my son.  I scoffed but I suppose it's happened before.  And with such a friendly kid like this one, who knows what could happen.  So my dad lovingly tried to make a 'kid leash', which I was forced to take.  Little Man didn't care for it one bit.  When we tried it at home he cried and cried.  So, it was strange when he took it out at the church and asked me to clip it to him. LOL
cousins holding hands
 The next day was the wedding so again, we met up with my cousin - the other one, whos married and has a daughter.  Cailyn is only 5 days younger than Clay...and both happy crazy charismatic kids so they got along so well!! I was excited that he had a playmate.

snacking at the mall

playing tea party
 After the mall, we went back to her house to get ready for the wedding.  The kids were running around playing and little man refused to let me take a picture of him all handsomely dressed up in his suit.
no i play!
 So I had to settle for blurry images, or passed out ones...
napping in the car...

i mustache you a question but i'll shave it for later
He was pretty good during the ceremony (I had compliments on how well behaved he was...compared to the other kids he was an angel LOL)

After the ceremony though, we realized food was not going to be served for a while so we went and grabbed  pre-dinner dinner.  I'm glad because when we got to the reception he faded quickly...

sleeeepy baby
And before dinner was served, he fell asleep in my lap.  That's how I know he was really tired...because he's rarely comfortable in my lap like this....
passed out. i eventually took off his suspenders and shoes
When the night was over we got back to the hotel, he was awake for a little bit but i found his lovie safely 'tucked' in my bed.  Told you the hotel staff was AWESOME. How cute!
 Of course, the next morning he woke up when I wasn't ready to be awake...
 When I finally got up we went to the SF Zoo.
Walking around we found....the train. And we just HAD to go.   

waiting our turn.

polar bear

"mama!! die-sore!!"

playground action

After the zoo we made our way to my sorority sister's place.  She and her family kindly let us stay with them for a couple nights so I didn't have to stretch for a hotel the whole trip.  It was great!  He had another playmate with her son who is 6 months younger, Jensen.

wanna see my toys?
 The next day was Monday and unfortunately my adult friends had to work and I was left with the choice to either stay at the house with her non-english speaking nanny or adventure on our own...what do you think I chose?
"oh no! bridge!!" except bridge comes out more like...another b word.
 Hahaha...he almost always says "oh no!" to preface anything else he says.

maybe touristing isn't so great for an almost 2 year old.

but ice cream is!!!
 After touristing in the city for awhile we went back to my cousins....to wait for my friend to get off work.  The chinese nanny gave me anxiety.
last time playing with Cailyn
He ran around with Cailyn one last time and they gave the most BRILLIANT of ADORABLE hugs in the world. Too bad I didn't capture that on film.

He and Jensen ran around before bedtime, though he was kind of bullying poor Jensen.  Nothing bad, just not letting him really play with him. Mamas had to step in but after that it was good. They both were having fun anyway.

And the next morning it was time to go.... last time playing with Jensen...

By now, he's just exhausted. He slept well during the trip, but you know how it is...the excitement is pretty draining.  When we got to the airport to go home, he was pretty tired. And then this happened...

Oh yeah...I wasn't the mom embarrassed that her kid was crying...I was the one recording it.  Sorry baby, but at that point there was nothing I could do. Now I just have some cute blackmail. Teehee...

The flight home was a little rough...he couldn't get comfortable to take a nap and wasn't tired enough to just pass out yet.  It wasn't until we got into the car and on the way home that he finally fell asleep.  He didn't get dinner that night but he did get 12 hours of sleep. AMEN!!

GREAT trip.

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