Thursday, January 31, 2013

Baby's got Skills

At 12 months  13 months....(well shit how could I forget he just turned 13 months yesterday?!) he's not yet 20 lbs.  OFFICIAL STATS: 18.25 lbs 29.25" and 18.5" HC

So, LLM has a normal sized head and a small body.  No wonder I feel like his head looks huge!  I am mildly concerned about him getting underweight at some point, but as Ms J pointed out... he eats healthy, learning, and doesn't stop moving.

Development-wise, the doc says he's right on schedule.  I won't say he's ahead of the curve, but he did surprise the doctor by mimicking the word "shot".  Which he will probably forever now, just as we all do, equate shots at the doctor to a lot of pain.  This time I actually did cry a little when he got his shots.  I mean it looked like it really hurt!! You got this kid who's scrawny legs have no juicy baby meat on them and a needle that's 2 INCHES LONG...yeah. I'd be hurting too.

He's quick to learn, having already mastered the single step booty scoot.  Gotta try and keep him away from the big stairs as long as I can though.  Never fear, the baby gate has been ordered! Hoorah!

He knows that 'strumming' his fingers on the guitar will make the toy play music. One thing that surprises me though is that he kind of knows certain cabinets are no-no cabinets.  I technically haven't baby proofed the kitchen which is an accident waiting to happen, but he definitely avoids the cabinets that I've continually enforced as no-no places.  Which is awesome, but I know he's just going to get more and more curious as he gets older.

The mane is getting ridic long.  I finally made an appointment to get it cut! Really all he needs is a clean up around his ears and to chop off the little rat tail that is beginning to grow.  It's been bugging his dad a lot longer than me, so I have no idea why he didn't do it already.  Maybe hoping for the mullet to come back in style? BAH-ha.

I am once again sick, germ infested, brain dead, and needing a break.  This whole month has been non stop. But that's just the way (uh huh uh huh) I like it.  When I'm not sick of course.

Picture reel time:
trying to ride his bike, but can't reach the floor!

silly faces before bathtime

nom nom ice cream!

we learned how to blow mommy's whistle....with a lot of spit.

baby bright eyes. his eyes are still steely blue, maybe they'll stay that way??

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Barbra Ann...

LLM loves this song.  Start singing it and he'll start dancing and singing along.  He clearly likes the repetitive "bah" sound.

update: dancing baby.
His dancing skills are improving with his improving balance and control.  It's absolutely adorable the way he rocks out. One of these days I'll get it on video, but I'll attempt to paint a mental image.  One hand goes up over his head and the other crosses over his body and he does a combination of twisting and bopping.  Head  banging included. However, that part makes him lose his balance. LOL

Improving skills: fine motor - he's able to bring the spoon to his mouth and get it in his mouth, but not get food onto the spoon.  he can and will pick up the smallest things on the floor... and he will find weeks old cheerios underneath the couch apparently...le ew.

gross motor - walking has rapidly evolved into running.  he's starting to jump in his crib too. and he now tries to climb anything that is 'climbable' oh lordy.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A rock and a hard place

Raising a toddler when your family structure isn't what people would call "normal" is walking a fine line between being a good parent and being a...not-so-good parent.  It's difficult to enforce rules and the guilt is overwhelming.  No mother ever wants to see their child cry.  I'm not sure what goes on at his dad's. I'm not sure I want to know. I have enough trouble trying to not let the guilt get to me when it comes to LLM.  Now, it's not that kind of guilt where I'd actually consider putting my own heart to the side for his benefit.  No.  If there's one thing I learned this past year it's if I'm not in a good place mentally and emotionally, I can't focus on being a good parent.

The separation anxiety has hit.  It's not so bad but when he does cry for me...its like an invisible fist has punched through my stomach and taken a good handful of guts and squeezed.  OK, it's really not that bad.  But I do feel guilty sometimes and have to remind myself that as soon as I'm out of sight he'll be ok.  But what do I do when I'm in the same room but need my hands free and he's at my ankles hugging my leg crying to be picked up?  It's cute...and I want to pick him up, but he also needs to learn that he has to wait. Because I certainly can't put on clothes, or wash my face, or prepare dinner while he's in my arms wanting to grab everything within reach.  From the day he was born, he was never left to play by himself.  I think obviously because he's my first so I play with him, but also at grandmas everyone hovers over him every single waking moment... and then at the sitters there's all kinds of kids running around playing with him there too.  So when it's just me and him... he's very demanding of my time.

How do you teach a child patience when you aren't a patient person and have mommy guilt?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hello 2013!

One year ago, I came home with a precious little person.  A few days ago that precious little person celebrated his 1st birthday. The last month of this life has been insane. Not to mention LLM and I both got the flu (and he had his first ear infection at the same time) the week before Christmas.  He took being sick a lot better than I did.  But we survived and by his birthday we were 100% better.

Let's see... my little toddler is getting exponentially better at walking around.  Which means he's getting more mischievous too. And so begins the burst of mild panic "where'd he go?" moments.  He can say banana and call the cat...'Abba' for Abby.  He likes to try and feed himself with the spoon.  That's messy.  I can't stop myself from guiding the spoon to his mouth but I know he needs to practice the hand eye coordination thing. Maybe naked mealtimes are coming up soon.  He's learned to stop and crawl/scoot to go up and down the step between the kitchen and the family room.  Must say, that one I'm super proud of. He's getting to be interested in scribbling, playing with crayons and markers.. gotta watch him with that still since he still puts random things in his mouth.  

Alright, well its picture reel time.
All those are his presents.  SPOILED
With his new toys
I got him a piano. He's a natural right?

Little Beethoven

The obligatory nudie bath time save-for-future-embarrassment pic

Birthday Outfit
Birthday morning, shooting hoops

12 Months of Clayton
Best birthday cake EVER!

Sweet Table
Nature Center
Who's that?

Mom hugs
With aKDPhi Aunties Brenda, Angel, and Amy


I don't wanna take more pics

Oooh, is that mine?

the hoard.
kiddy play area...and large boa constrictor in the tank in the back.

Movie time

His face like all the time

I'm ONE!!
the hoard at home. we opened them the next morning

  So many pictures...