I could have sworn he tipped the scales a bit more than that. But I'll take it as a kind of blessing in that my back which has been acting all old and shit gets a little reprieve knowing that he's only in the 3rd percentile in weight. Now if only I could find a solution for my pulled glutes...
Well, I've been super busy lately trying to get my life back on track. Running around playing Mary Kay consultant, SuperMommy, and Professional. Doesn't leave much time for blogging. Well that and since I sit at a computer all day I prefer my downtime to be spent a little more artsy on the creativity scale. Nail art is my new big thing to do to unwind at the end of the day. So blogging isn't on the top of my to do list unfortunately but I'll do my best to update at least once a month and on major milestones.
Little Man is pretty much right on target with every developmental stage at this point so as the good ol' doc said.. "well, he's perfect on paper". Of course I'd just go ahead and say he's perfect, but I'm quite biased. All I know is he's an amazing little boy, who rarely complains or cries, and just makes everyone around him happy. Sure, he's needy, what baby isn't? He loves to be around people, doesn't like to play by himself. Actually, for the most part has very little interest in playing with his own toys. At the end of the day, he's more content in my arms watching me cook dinner. When he's crabby because he's sick or tired, he can be clingy without liking to be held which is hard to deal with, but even then it's nothing like the stories I've heard of some kids.
He's cruising along the furniture now, getting braver and more sure of himself. Although he still is very cautious when getting up to stand or getting back to the floor. We've only had a handful of tumbles this whole time he's been learning how to move around.
My sweet boy is figuring out how to give 'high fives' and kisses. Sometimes grabbing my face and planting a big wet, slobbery kiss right on my mouth whenever he wants attention and I'm talking to someone else.
He's so, so curious, I may need to make a sensory book for him with buckles, zippers, and ribbons and such. Loves music and rattles...even tries to play with MadMommys prescription bottles since they sound like rattles when you shake them.
We have 3 teeth, a 4th one for sure on the way in the next week or so. Normally very quiet but he does have his moods where he's pretty much babbling non stop. And his smiles and giggles could nourish my soul forever.
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after his bath in his glow in the dark jammies, madmommy decided it was time for a mohawk |
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little man proudly posing so madmommy could show his aunties how much he loves his new outfit |
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playing beethoven. ok, just pounding on an old piano but still got mad when i so rudely interrupted his madskills |
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