I know all moms say this but.... MY LITTLE MAN IS A GENIUS!!! ^_^ LOL
Ok, let's see. This month LLM has been the little traveler. He went to Indianapolis with his daddy and visited with Mama K and Papa J. I have no idea how that went...someone didn't tell me. But as soon as they got back, I noticed LLM not eating as well as he normally did. He threw up a few times, but not enough to concern me or anyone, though I could tell something was a bit off. I paid no mind to it, assuming it was due to the hecticness of the travelling and just watched him while I prepared to take him off to Florida to visit my Disney friends.

He was acting normal and fine so I took him with me to Disney. YAY! His first Disney trip. Admittedly, this was much more for my happiness than his as he still has no clue about Disney (other than maybe watching Disney Jr in the morning). I was anxious about the plane trip, not knowing how he'd take the pressure changes etc. But not so anxious to not even consider taking him since it was a trip to Orlando, and without an inkling of a doubt there wouldn't be other small, possibly obnoxious children on board. He was an angel for the most part. But, next time...I vow not to forget his milk and bottles and sippy cup. I became that awkward mom that nurses in public. But what was I suppose to do? LLM was starving and tired. I wasn't going to sit in that tiny ass airplane bathroom...gross! At least I had a blanket... The way there he was wide awake and fine for all but the last half hr when he was hungry. The flight back, well lets say we both passed out most of the trip, him a lot longer than me. And when he was awake on that flight, he was happy...and even tried to play with the baby behind us who wasn't having such an easy time with the plane. I'm so proud of my punk'in. He kept trying to engage his little friend to try and cheer him up with smiles and talking.
So we didn't do much there, I didn't want to over stimulate him... I mean just being there is overstimulating LOL. But we did do a character lunch and go to Mickey's Not so Scary Halloween. SO FUN!
naptime was on madmommys belly instead of the pnp... |
Day 1: Walked around Downtown Disney all day with some family that lives in Orlando, and my Disney friends and her kids.
Happy Happy Baby!! |
Day 2:
The little guy was such a happy baby the whole weekend, he only fussed when he finally realized how hungry or tired he was. I mean literally he'd be ok 'til we sat down for 5 mins. The rest of the time he was just taking everything in. Someone didn't like the fireworks, but admittedly we were RIGHT in the middle of it all so it was quite loud. But again, if I held him, he was ok.
my little ewok |
Character lunch: I wasn't sure how he'd react to the characters at first. Honestly, my thought was that he'd stare at them for a while in confusion because he'd never seen such strange looking people. So when Goofy happened to be the first to come up to the table, I thought nothing of it. Until I look down and LLM is screaming in terror trying to scramble out of the high chair and into my lap. I'm so mean, I was laughing at my child's terror. I held him though and he calmed down so when Mickey and the rest of the gang stopped by he just held on to me watching them with wide eyes. I thought...OK then. He's a lot more cognizant than most kids this age. I mean the only reason I didn't think he'd react that way was because he's so friendly with other people. We'll see how he does with Santa next month...

OK, now to the genius comment. So LLM's got a passion for music. Anything music he'll stop what he's doing and if he likes it, starts bouncing. He LOVES the piano, and you can tell he has a preference for the piano over the keyboard. Ms Jill has an old, out of tune, broken piano and my parents have a keyboard - which sounds like a piano still but you know, if you're a pianist...theres a difference in the feel.
Here's my little Beethoven on Ms Jill's piano. You can see the missing keys. And its dreadfully out of tune but the idea is there. He likes to bang on it.
Genius moment: (and yes, I know I'm being dramatic and it's really just a random event but...) he was banging away while Ms Jill and I were talking and all of a sudden we hear...
dun dun dun dunnnnn a la
Beethoven's 5th Symphony.
It was one of those....
moments LOL.
happy 10 months <3 |