Monday, May 7, 2012

Rolling, rolling, rolling...

Ok, not really.  But we rolled over!  It may have been an accident, but it happened I'm going to go with "we're at that point".  LOL  Yesterday, I had little man on his belly for some tummy time and was getting his attention above his head so he'd have to push up a bit to see.  Well, we pushed up and turned, trying to get at the toy and *flop* over he goes! The look on his face was priceless.... He didn't cry but he was wide-eyed and shocked at the sudden change in scenery.  I laughed, kissed him, and told him he'll get used to it.

I could probably spend hours on the floor watching him attempt to roll over from his back. He's almost there, he gets to about halfway onto his belly with both his legs flipped over but his arm is still in the way.  Once he figures out how to move that arm out of the way, that's it.  Actually, I could probably spend hours on the floor just watching him play and talk.  I did.  We watched Jurassic Park together camped out on the floor and he started making screechy noises that sounded very raptor like...

It was awesome. I love, love, love him.

**UPDATE** This evening, while playing under the activity gym, we've officially rolled over from back to front! Little man is getting stronger every day.  What a big boy!! MadMommy's so proud!

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