Wednesday, April 4, 2012

This is just a test...

Remember that other shoe that I'm waiting for? LLM decided to take me for a trial spin last night.  A couple days ago my mom told me he was throwing up, which is not to be mistaken with the normal action of spitting up.  The regurgitation in this case was of the projectile kind.  I figured I'd just watch him, he was eating fine, peeing normally, sleeping well and still just a happy baby.  The throwing up was kind of sporadic over the last 2 weeks, and it had just gotten worse the last couple days.

Last night as I was setting him down for bed, he threw up and started crying.  I got him to settle down and when I put him back in his crib, he started crying again.  He would not settle down for about an hour.  Throwing up again all over the both of us as I held him.  My concern started growing so I called the pediatricians office and ended up scheduling an appointment for this morning just to check.  He still wouldn't settle down so I brought him to bed with me, fed him some more, and when he fell asleep next to me I left him there.  He woke up a couple hours later fussing and wanting to eat more.  Then about an hour later, at 3am it was like a gushing fountain.  (Kind of reminded me of how I throw up actually)  It covered my side of the bed so I have to remember to wash the sheets later, but after that I took him back to his room to change him and put him in his crib.  He never quite fell into a deep sleep but he snoozed a bit.  Woke up again at 5 wanting to eat and then I noticed he was a lot happier.  He was even laughing a bit. 

At the doctor this morning, he was his normal cheerful self.  Weighed in at 12 lbs 9.5oz so if he lost weight it wasn't significant enough to put him off of his growth chart. Which I figured because it didn't seem that he was losing weight to me or not getting enough milk.  The doc didn't seem concerned but she did say that most likely it was this nasty stomach bug that's going around.  Still, we'll watch him the next few days and see what happens. 

By the time we got to my mom's he was talking and laughing like nothing happened last night.  I was looking at him...well, more like staring intently...but he seemed completely fine and normal.  He saw me, smiled, and started laughing.  I just smiled, shook my head, and kissed him.  Realizing that he was just giving me a madmommy test....  checking to see how well I deal with bad nights.  Thanks little man.  I love you too....

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