Monday, April 30, 2012

4 months!

MadMommy's been fighting a losing battle with the depression.  I foresee bad things coming for me. But none the less, we shall survive.  And none of that stops le little man from growing, progressing.  So no excuses today, on the 4 monthaversary of his birth!

Hm, lets see....LLM is growing like mad. Yesterday, at a family party, I 'stood' him next to my niece who's just over 9 months.  He's the same height as her.  And to quote my cousin, "he could eat her!"  Which is probably true since he can eat as much as she does in one meal.  Though, he does  prefer to take his meal at a leisurely pace. I'm not lying about leisurely either, he likes to pretend he's sleeping but then get mad when you pull the bottle/nipple away.  I'll update after his 4 month appointment next week with the official length and weight but I'm guessing...26 inches and 15 lbs. Let's see how skilled MadMommy is at estimating little man's size.

We're almost on the verge of rolling over! Any day now. And yes, I've been thinking that for about a week. LOL but it's true...any day now. :-P

His head control is phenomenal, and he's starting to be able to carry his weight on his legs a bit. That seems early for me, but he's gonna get there when he gets there right?  If you put something in front of him he will grab it, and more often than not try to put it in his mouth.  This is surprisingly fun to watch.  You can't help but chuckle when he undoubtedly jerks in surprise hitting himself in the face as he misses his mouth.  He'll get there. I just hope he stays away from putting rocks or batteries in his mouth (Yes batteries.  I actually know someone who says they used to suck on batteries...all I can say to that is "how are you still alive?").

He doesn't quite laugh yet, but he does squeal with delight every once in a while and has moments of what I hear as giggle fits.  Mostly when MadMommy's giving him kisses all over.  This makes me the happiest.  Knowing I have a happy baby makes me happy. 

I think we're starting to cut our first tooth!  All the signs are there, the drool, the random temperature spikes, the firmness of his gums in the front, the irritability when somethings not in his mouth... I'm keeping my eye out. Not sure how long it takes for that first tooth to grow in, but I'm assuming that's also any day now. :-P

4 months
already trying to take his clothes off...smh

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

This is just a test...

Remember that other shoe that I'm waiting for? LLM decided to take me for a trial spin last night.  A couple days ago my mom told me he was throwing up, which is not to be mistaken with the normal action of spitting up.  The regurgitation in this case was of the projectile kind.  I figured I'd just watch him, he was eating fine, peeing normally, sleeping well and still just a happy baby.  The throwing up was kind of sporadic over the last 2 weeks, and it had just gotten worse the last couple days.

Last night as I was setting him down for bed, he threw up and started crying.  I got him to settle down and when I put him back in his crib, he started crying again.  He would not settle down for about an hour.  Throwing up again all over the both of us as I held him.  My concern started growing so I called the pediatricians office and ended up scheduling an appointment for this morning just to check.  He still wouldn't settle down so I brought him to bed with me, fed him some more, and when he fell asleep next to me I left him there.  He woke up a couple hours later fussing and wanting to eat more.  Then about an hour later, at 3am it was like a gushing fountain.  (Kind of reminded me of how I throw up actually)  It covered my side of the bed so I have to remember to wash the sheets later, but after that I took him back to his room to change him and put him in his crib.  He never quite fell into a deep sleep but he snoozed a bit.  Woke up again at 5 wanting to eat and then I noticed he was a lot happier.  He was even laughing a bit. 

At the doctor this morning, he was his normal cheerful self.  Weighed in at 12 lbs 9.5oz so if he lost weight it wasn't significant enough to put him off of his growth chart. Which I figured because it didn't seem that he was losing weight to me or not getting enough milk.  The doc didn't seem concerned but she did say that most likely it was this nasty stomach bug that's going around.  Still, we'll watch him the next few days and see what happens. 

By the time we got to my mom's he was talking and laughing like nothing happened last night.  I was looking at him...well, more like staring intently...but he seemed completely fine and normal.  He saw me, smiled, and started laughing.  I just smiled, shook my head, and kissed him.  Realizing that he was just giving me a madmommy test....  checking to see how well I deal with bad nights.  Thanks little man.  I love you too....

Monday, April 2, 2012

3 Months!

Le Little Man is growing too fast for my tastes.  I had a flashforward of him chasing after his girl cousins with a frog in his hand....and he's not even able to sit up on his own yet! But he is trying.  He gets bored laying down for too long and he likes to sit in my lap and look around. If the TV's on he's practically entranced.  Takes after me I guess.  When I was younger, if I was watching TV you could not talk to me and get a response. Hell, I'm still that way now.

LLM has started figuring out how to suck on his own hand..arm..sleeve...nearest stuffed animal.  The level of drool has increased and I'm told that's a sign his teeth are ready to start coming in.  And so it begins...bring it on!!  He's been such a good happy boy, let's see how he does with teething.  You want an example of how good he is? This weekend he let mommy sleep in til 6:30 when I woke up on my own.  Sad, that I consider 6:30am sleeping in, but I'm up before 5 most days.  But after getting to eat he let mommy sleep more until 10! Hooray! If he was awake, then he was just hanging out talking to his animal buddies in his crib. 

This morning when I got up I found him wide awake just nomming on his fist. Not fussing, just hanging out.  And when he saw me he just grinned like "hi, mommy. I being good boy...I get foods now?" Ah, my sweet little angel.  I should note that so far, most mornings have been that way.  Not too fussy most of the time.

No 3 month doctor check up, so I don't know his exact weight/length.  But I would say he's encroaching on a good 13-14lbs now and definitely 2 feet long. 

3 Months - 3/30/12