I can't remember if I said it last post or not but little man is potty trained! We still put him in a diaper at bedtime and naptime for those "just in case" moments, but during the day it's Thomas and Lightning McQueen undies! (and Star Wars...cuz his dad's a nerd like that. I am too but I'm definitely on the boat of letting him determine his own kind of nerdiness)
I want to do that cute thing where you take pictures with the favorite things for the year. But he's never interested in taking pictures. Most of my pictures of him are candid, action shots.
I want to do that cute thing where you take pictures with the favorite things for the year. But he's never interested in taking pictures. Most of my pictures of him are candid, action shots.
Here's where we're at today:
Favorite color: Orange
Favorite food: Mac and Cheese
Favorite place: The Beach
Favorite activity: Painting
Favorite book: How to Train a Train
We celebrated his 3rd birthday at Chuck E Cheese, which he now loves and expects to go there sometimes when I pick him up from the sitters. Maybe I'll take him again soon...it certainly wipes him out.
Now that he's 3..he's come into his independence stage. He would love to do everything himself, like...all the time. Irritatingly, all the time. Inconveniently, all the time. For the most part, he's well behaved and isn't a beast. But when he gets in the mood...he's very headstrong. Great quality for adulthood, not so fun for me right now. I pray to get through it without losing patience. I'm learning. Every day I'm learning.
I have to go. Mediation with the lawyer to discuss custody agreements. Wish me luck.
Some time soon I'll update on little man's first cruise!!! That was soo fun.