2 days ago, LLM turned 15 months. Whew. I missed out on getting a picture of his Easter outfit yesterday. The morning was completely rushed, I ended up having to change him after church at my Aunt's house. I probably could have gotten one right then after I changed him but I was still pretty ruffled myself and didn't think about it.
oops. |
I wish it could have gone more smoothly, but despite the crazy morning. Easter wasn't too bad. LLM was totally in a crabby mood. He had a mild grade fever, possibly some bug (he's uber stuffy and coughing) or even teething. His molars are coming in, and others have popped through, bringing his total tooth count to 10! (I think...he doesn't sit still long enough for me to count them..LOL) He's been rather good about it actually so I'm blessed.
He hadn't napped, and refused to nap, and couldn't nap even if I could find a room to hide in. Poor baby. He still got along with the other kiddos but his preference was definitely me. As much as my family tried to help so I could get some time to relax and enjoy myself (my cousins took naps...lucky them hahah) he'd just wriggle away and come find me. He wasn't crying, but you could just tell he wanted to be comforted. Apparently I'm good for that. (wink wink)