Well, screw. them. all. Because it takes a strong person to admit they have weak moments. The bravest are the ones who are the most scared. You can only gain something when you lose. The world is a delicate balance of opposites. There can be no light without darkness. No sense of good without evil. To find a peace, accept the whole. And to be truly whole, you have to embrace and accept all of who you are. So, the mantra I must adopt is this: I am evil, but I am good. I am anger, but I am gentle. I am sad, but I am happy. I have lost, but I have gained. I am insecure, but I am confident. I am weak, but I am strong. I am awful, and I am awesome. I am doubtful, but I am hopeful. I. Just. Am.
I wish I had my son tonight. He embodies all that is good and reveres every new moment. That connection with the world is what I need right now. Because the dark energy I carry today is overwhelming.